"Removing the Fear of Cravings, the Fear of Weight Gain, and the Fear of Withdrawal"
"Removing the Fear of Cravings, the Fear of Weight Gain, and the Fear of Withdrawal"
Do you fear the pain of withdrawals ?
Do you fear the pain of withdrawals ?
"Almost all smokers have tried giving up at some point, and withdrawal was hellish for them"
could you imagine no painful withdrawals?
could you imagine no painful withdrawals?
What if I put on heaps of weight ?
What if I put on heaps of weight ?
"There is always someone who will tell you if you quit you will put on heaps of weight"
but what if there was no weight gain?
but what if there was no weight gain?
forget the cravings, weight gain and withdrawals
forget the cravings, weight gain and withdrawals
EFT Dissolves All this...
EFT Dissolves All This...
Starting Now
Are you sick and tired of trying to give up cigarettes?
Are you sick and tired of trying to give up cigarettes?
100's of Individuals have Quit Smoking
This unique program of scripts has helped 100's around the globe quit for life, by releasing the links in their mind connecting emotions and cigarettes.
100's of Individuals have Quit Smoking
This unique program of scripts has helped 100's around the globe quit for life, by releasing the links in their mind connecting emotions and cigarettes.
Why Emotions Cause Us To Smoke More
Every day we experience a range of feelings and emotions, and as we light up a cigarette these feelings and emotions then become linked with smoking.
Our Feelings Control Our Behavior
Every time you light up a cigarette you create new links with the emotions in that moment. So, if you happen to be angry, sad or under stress the mind also links the action of smoking with these feelings.
This explains why you instantly reach for a smoke when under stress. Your mind has linked smoking and stress together, so when you're under stress it tells you to run and light up another smoke.
Actions linked with Smoking
Have you ever driven from A to B and when you arrived you couldn't remember the drive, that's because that activity has become a habit, and the mind carried it out almost automatically.
These same links are formed with smoking; such as lighting up a smoke with a cup of coffee, or after a meal, or when driving a car, or working on your computer, or watching the sunrise...
Maybe after the 20th time of lighting up a smoke with a cup of coffee a new habit gets formed, so every new time you reach for a coffee your mind instantly reminds you to also reach for a smoke, it HAS NO OTHER choice.
"EFT can help to Release Activities and Emotions linked with Smoking"
Why Emotions Cause Us To Smoke More
Every day we experience a range of feelings and emotions, and as we light up a cigarette these feelings and emotions then become linked with smoking.
Our Feelings Control Our Behavior
Every time you light up a cigarette you create new links with the emotions in that moment.
So if you happen to be angry, sad or under stress the mind also links the action of smoking with these feelings.
This explains why you instantly reach for a smoke when under stress. Your mind has linked smoking and stress together, so when your under stress it tells you to run and light up another smoke.
Actions linked with smoking
Have you ever driven from A to B and when you arrived you couldn't remember the drive, that's because that activity has become a habit, and the mind carried it out almost automatically.
These same links are formed with smoking; such as lighting up a smoke with a cup of coffee, or after a meal, or when driving a car, or working on your computer, or watching the sunrise...
Maybe after the 20th time of lighting up a smoke with a cup of coffee a new habit gets formed, so every new time you reach for a coffee your mind instantly reminds you to also reach for a smoke, it HAS NO OTHER choice.
"EFT can help to Release Activities and Emotions linked with Smoking"
Looking for a Proven Program of EFT Scripts?
Looking for a Proven Program of EFT Scripts?
Stop Smoking with EFT is one of the most successful eft programs for smokers. We don't leave you holding the bag with just one or two scripts, with this program you receive over 100 EFT Scripts covering almost all of the common reasons we reach for cigarettes.
Stop Smoking with EFT is one of the most successful eft programs for smokers.
We don't leave you holding the bag with just one or two scripts, with this program you receive over 100 EFT Scripts covering almost all of the common reasons we reach for cigarettes.
Here are some Script Titles from this Program:
Release the fear and pain of cravings
Weight Gain
Release anxiety and worry over weight gain
Social Smoking
Smoking at work or when out with friends
No Time
I don't have the time to tap to scripts
Too Old
The older you get the harder it is to quit
Let go of the worry of being impossible to live with
Fear of relapse
We have that covered
Phone Calls
The need to smoke while making a phone call
But I might get irritable and also get a headache
I smoke when I feel low or depressed
I will get fat
I will get fat if I give up smoking
Release links to smoking whilst drinking alcohol
Release the need to smoke with your morning coffee
Tried Before
I've already tried quitting and failed previously
No Control
But I might get out of control and rage a little
Smokers are Social
But I like smoking and catching up with my mates, smokers are more social
Release the fear and pain of cravings
Weight Gain
Release anxiety and worry over weight gain
Let go of the worry of being impossible to live with
Social Smoking
Smoking at work or when out on the town with friends
No Control
But I might get out of control and rage a little
But I might get irritable and also get a headache
Smokers are Social
I like smoking and catching up with my mates, smokers are more social
Too Old
The older I get the harder it is to quit
Links to drinking and smoking
Release the need for a smoke with your morning coffee
What if I relapse, what if I have a couple of smokes
Tried Before
I've already tried quitting and failed previously
No Time
I don't have the time to tap to scripts
But I need to smoke when I feel low and depressed
I need a smoke when I am bored, what am I going to do now
Release the fear and pain of cravings
Weight Gain
Release anxiety and worry over weight gain
Let go of the worry of being impossible to live with
Release links to drinking and smoking
Release that morning smoke with coffee
Don't worry, we have that covered
Social Smoking
Smoking at work or when out on the town with friends
Tried Before
I've tried quitting many times in the past and failed
What if I mess up and have a couple of smokes
I don't have the time for all of this, how I am going to tap
But I might get irritable and also get a headache
No Control
But I might get out of control and rage a little
Too Old
The older you get the harder it is to quit
Smokers are Social
But I like smoking and catching up with my mates, smokers are more social
I smoke when I'm bored, what am I going to do now
"There are over 100 Scripts for you to Tap to"

The Ultimate Quit Smoking Program

The Ultimate Quit Smoking Program
A Decade of Changing Lives
Still the world's number one quit smoking program using EFT...
Why? - Because its more than a quit smoking program it's a "life changing experience"
A Decade of Changing Lives
Still the world's number one quit smoking program using EFT...
Why? - Because its more than a quit smoking program it's a "life changing experience"

Let's See Why Gums and Will Power Don't Work
Let's See Why Gums and Will Power Don't Work
The main reason will power never seems to work is because we experience over 40,000 individual thoughts each and every day.. And most of the time these are occurring on a subconscious level..
Even if you have a desire to quit smoking and you consistently remind yourself a 1000 times a day, you still have another 39,000 thoughts that continue to remind you to light up a smoke.
You might be able to go without a smoke for an hour or two, but then your subconscious mind kicks in to remind you to light up a smoke, quick light up, light up, light up, light up, light up a smoke..... and before you know it the only thing on your mind is lighting up the next smoke.
Recent studies have shown that Gums and Patches fail over 80% of the time, with some doctors now saying that patches and gums could fail as much as 93% of the time...
So why do they fail?..... It's because ALL of these products contain the same ingredient that you have become addicted to. They all contain one of the most addictive substances on the planet, they all contain nicotine...
So usually, the moment the patches or gums run out and you experience a negative emotion or some other activity, you instantly get the urge to reach for a cigarette as it's the only way to satisfy the nicotine craving that the gums and patches were giving you.

See what some of our users say:
Here Are Some Testimonials:
No Smokes for 30 Days
I wanted to write you a quick note in support of your wonderful program. I have been using EFT for a while now to release issues I have in other areas of my life, but when it came to smoking I knew I would need help. With the shear quantity of the scripts in your program it took some tapping to get through the whole program, but now I have not had a smoke for the last 30 Days, and I don’t feel like I want one.
I am now using a lot of the material to help me in other areas of my life, your pen and paper method has really changed the way I look at scripting..
This Is A Very Profound Program
I had a profound experience yesterday. I slept a lot and I released a lot of emotion. I spent two and a half hours crying from my heart. I think its safe to say I am sitting with my emotions more.
Are you ready?
It all starts the moment you say yes, the moment you decide that it's time to do something about it, the moment you decide it's your time, and it all starts with you.
NO It is not necessary to be a nonsmoker today or even tomorrow, but it all starts now, it all starts in the moment you make that single decision.
The Perfect Program of Quitting Scripts
A complete program of scripts dedicated and designed just for smokers, but more importantly you're getting scripts created "by smokers for smokers"
I am an ex smoker myself, I previously smoked 1 to 2 packets of cigarettes each day for years. So I know exactly how a smoker feels and thinks, and it was this personal relationship with cigarettes that allowed me to create this program. When you think about it, only an EX-Smoker could have created the program.
This EFT Program is the ONLY Program of its kind that has been developed by smokers for smokers. This program took over 18 months to create, and during this time over 120 EFT Scripts were developed working with real participants.
NO you don't... In fact you might find you only need to tap to a small portion of these scripts to quit.
However, there are so many scripts covering many areas of day-to-day life, such as financial problems, work issues, home issues, weight gain, stress.... and the list goes on and on...
And because this program covers so many areas of your life you will most likely want to continue tapping to all of the scripts in the program, even if you find that you have already quit smoking...
This Is Why This Is Not just a Quit Smoking Program: "It's a life changing event"
The Perfect Program of Quitting Scripts
A complete program of scripts dedicated and designed just for smokers, but more importantly they were created "by smokers for smokers"
I am an ex-smoker myself, I previously smoked 1 to 2 packets of cigarettes each day for years.
I know exactly how a smoker feels and thinks, and it was this personal relationship with cigarettes that allowed me to create this program. When you think about it, only an EX-Smoker could have created the program.
This EFT Program is the ONLY Program of its kind that has been developed by smokers for smokers. This program took over 18 months to create, and during this time over 120 EFT Scripts were developed working with real participants.
NO you don't... in fact you might find you only need to tap to a small portion of these scripts to quit.
However, there are so many scripts covering many areas of day-to-day life, such as financial problems, work issues, home issues, weight gain, stress.... and the list goes on and on...
And because this program covers so many areas of your life you will most likely want to continue tapping to all of the scripts in the program, even if you find that you have already quit smoking...
This Is Why This Is Not just a Quit Smoking Program: "It's a life changing event"

Here are more Script Titles from this Program
Giving Up Just Got Easier
Here are more Script Titles from this Program
Giving Up Just Got Easier
I Won't Succeed
I will end up giving up and once again this won't work
No Excuses
I won't have any excuses to put off tasks
Need to Plan
I always plan ahead to make sure I don't run out
Being addicted to smoking
My Hands
I won't know what to do with my hands
Can't Relax
I find it difficult to relax, smoking helps me to relax
Everyone always coughs when then first quit
Worried about Future
Smoking helps me to cope with the unknown
No Control
I won't be able to handle it, I have no self control
Against Me
Everything is working against me, all this anxiety over quitting
Many Triggers
I have way to many triggers causing me to need a cigarette
Morning Smoke
But I need a smoke first thing in the morning
Meal Time
I love having that smoke right after a meal
I always smoke while watching the television
Sleep Disturbances
This is going to effect my sleeping and cause problems
Can't Relax
I find it difficult to relax, smoking helps me to relax
Everyone always coughs when then first quit
Worried about Future
Smoking helps me to cope with the unknown
No Control
I won't be able to handle it, I have no self control
Against Me
Everything is working against me, all this anxiety over quitting
Many Triggers
I have way to many triggers causing me to need a cigarette
Morning Smoke
But I need a smoke first thing in the morning
Meal Time
I love having that smoke right after a meal
I always smoke while watching the television
Sleep Disturbances
This is going to effect my sleeping and cause problems
I Won't Succeed
I will end up giving up and once again this won't work
No Excuses
I won't have any excuses to put off tasks
Need to Plan
I always plan ahead to make sure I don't run out
Being addicted to smoking
My Hands
I won't know what to do with my hands
Can't Relax
I find it difficult to relax, smoking helps me to relax
Everyone always coughs when they first quit
Worried about Future
Smoking helps me cope with the unknown
No Control
I have no self-control, I won't be able to handle it
Working Against Me
Everything is working against me, all the anxiety over quitting
Many Triggers
I have way to many triggers causing me to need a cigarette
Morning Smoke
But I need a smoke first think in the morning
Meal Time
I love having a smoke right after a meal
I always have a smoke while watching the television

50 Quit Smoking Scripts
The main program consists of over 50 EFT Scripts, they range from cravings to finances, smoking while driving, smoking at work, at home, after a meal and a whole range of other topics.
They also come complete with audio tapping versions, allowing you to listen and tap anywhere at any time.

29 Core Beliefs Program
An additional 29 EFT Scripts are available in the "Core Beliefs Program". This program of scripts is aimed directly at the core beliefs that prevent smokers from quitting..

Powerful Pen and Paper Guide
You also receive the original "Five Minute Pen and Paper Guide to Scripting". This guide became the number one guide to creating personal scripts, it shows you how you can create a script in less than 5 minutes with or without any previous EFT Knowledge.
Are you ready to quit?
There has never been a better time to quit smoking.
If you are here reading this then what's stopping you? Is it the fear that this program may not work and you might waste your money. There is a 30-Day Money back Guarantee.
Is it the cost of the program. I have tried to keep the price reasonable; I know you have food, bills, fuel, and dare I say smokers have cigarettes to buy 🙂
You only have one decision to make - I AM READY TO QUIT
Additional Scripts

Follow 2 Program Particpants
Remember this program was field tested with real participants for well over 6 months.
Two of these original participants have allowed me to give you copies of the questions, all their answers, and all the additional personal scripts which were developed for them during the trial..
You can follow along email by email, script by script as these individuals go down this wild path to becoming non smokers.
These additional scripts cover a wide area from illness, sickness and bulimia, rape, stress, financial problems and a whole lot more.
And Even More Scripts

Maintenance Scripts
This is a small catalog of scripts that were developed to get you over that initial hurdle after you finally booted cigarettes from your life.
No not everyone will venture into them, not everyone will look at the Maintenance Scripts. This is because from experience most of you wont require any additional tapping to any scripts once you quit. But some may find them handy, something to tap during that initial period.
And Even More Scripts

Maintenance Scripts
This is a small catalog of scripts that were developed to get you over that initial hurdle after you finally booted cigarettes from your life.
No not everyone will venture into them, not everyone will look at the Maintenance Scripts. This is because from experience most of you wont require any additional tapping to any scripts once you quit. But some may find them handy, something to tap during that initial period.
And Even More Scripts

Maintenance Scripts
This is a small catalog of scripts that were developed to get you over that initial hurdle after you finally booted cigarettes from your life.
No not everyone will venture into them, not everyone will look at the Maintenance Scripts. This is because from experience most of you wont require any additional tapping to any scripts once you quit. But some may find them handy, something to tap during that initial period.
Strangely sick of rolling my cigarettes
What I’m noticing so far with this program is that I’m getting sick of rolling my daily amount of cigarettes, would rather do something more interesting…
I Love the Scripts
I LOVE the scripts I’ve used, trying to get through them all one time, then go to the one’s I feel are needed. The scripts are helping me to see it is possible I can do it.
The Most Extensive Program Of It's Kind
Over 120 Scripts In Total
Includes 50 Audio Scripts
18 Months Of Development
6 Months of Live Trials
Quitting is only a click away
Quitting is only a click away
Available on PC or Mobile Device
That's right this whole complete program comes with the ability to listen or read the content via a Phone, Ipad or PC.
Plus if you are accessing the program on your PC then you also have the ability to download it to your hard drive. But you still have the ability to also listen via your mobile; yes that's right you get the best of both worlds